Welcome to Ean's Emporium, a website dedicated to finding, and teaching workarounds for limited internet access

Ever wanted to access sites like Youtube, and Instagram on a school issued Chromebook, but haven't been able to find out how to? This website groups together tips and tricks to making your school Chromebook the best it can be.

Take a look at my Youtube Channel. I make Minecraft, VR, and video tutorials for the things I teach on this website!

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If you come from any of my socials, glad your here! Although these methods are more catered to the Chromebooks and their restrictions at my school, hopefully you can pick up a thing or two!

What will I learn here?

You can learn how to surf the web freely on any school device. All of these things will work on a Chromebook, but if your school uses iPads, it could work depending on what your trying to do